Thursday, January 21, 2010

This should be fun

 Found this on the net.... Now I'm looking forward to filing this year :-)

During my short employment tour with the IRS in the mail room, i've
found several harmless ways to mess with them and receive no recourse.

Always put staples in the right hand corner. Go ahead and put a down
the whole right side. The extractors who remove the mail from the
envelopes have to take out any staples in the right side.

Never arrange paperwork in the right order, or even facing the right
way. Put a few upside down and backwards. That way they have to remove
all your staples rearrange your paperwork and re-staple it (on the
left side).

Line the bottom of your envelope with elmer's glue and let it dry
before you put in you forms, so that the automated opener doesn't open
it and the extractor has to open it by hand.

If your very unfortunate and have to pay taxes use a two or three
party check.

On top of paying with a three party check pay one of the dollars you
owe in cash. When an extractor receives cash, no matter how small an
amount, he has to take it to a special desk and fill out of few nasty

Write a little letter of appreciation. Any letter received has to read
and stamped regardless of what it is or what its on.

Write your letter on something misshapen and unconventional. Like on
the back of a Kroger sack.

When you mail it, mail it in a big envelope (even if its just a single
EZ form). Big envelopes have to be torn and sorted differently than
regular business size ones. An added bonus to the big envelope is that
they take priority over other mail, so the workers can hurry up and
deal with your mess =)

If you send 2 checks they'll have to staple your unsightly envelope to
your half destroyed form.

Always put extra paper clips on your forms. Any foreign fasteners or
the like have to be removed and put away.

Sign your name in ink on every page. Any signature has to verified and
then date stamped.

These are just a few of the fun and exciting things you can do with
the man. These methods are only recommended when you owe money


  1. Specter is a smart mouthed, cheesy, turncoat. He talks real bad to a lady, wonder how he would do against a full grown Texan like me? He will be the next feather-legged politician run out of D.C. I just hope he is tarred and feathered and carried out on a pole. Specter is traitor piece of crap. I'm a retired prison guard, and I know lying punks like Specter.

    Texas 1845, Preamble We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.

    never forget POW/MIA's - 9/11
    ride free/live free thru CHRIST

  2. Specter is a smart mouthed, cheesy, turncoat. He talks real bad to a lady, wonder how he would do against a full grown Texan like me? He will be the next feather-legged politician run out of D.C. I just hope he is tarred and feathered and carried out on a pole. Specter is traitor piece of crap. I'm a retired prison guard, and I know lying punks like Specter.

    Texas 1845, Preamble We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.

    never forget POW/MIA's - 9/11
    ride free/live free thru CHRIST

  3. It is time for Ben Bernanke to go. It is time for Obama to go. It is time for Republicans to get smart, or go. It is time to vote for Medina for Governor of Texas. Sen Hutchenson, we Texans need you in the Senate or you can go too.

    What a shame for us Texans, the largest death-house since the death-camps in Nazi Germany is going to be in Houston!!

    Texas 1845, Preamble We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.

    never forget POW/MIA's - 9/11
    ride free/live free thru CHRIST

  4. Americans need to get a grip and defeat these Progressive, Liberal, professors, school administrators, teachers, politicians, and organizations before they rewrite History and indoctrinate our children with socialist / commie doctrines!

    Texas 1845, Preamble We the People of the Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God.

    never forget POW/MIA's - 9/11
    ride free/live free thru CHRIST
