Monday, January 18, 2010

Not the University of Moscow, or even the comparable University of Chicago

As many of you know, I am 47 years old (in just a couple days now) and am enrolled in college. How I came to this point is a long story, probably better saved for another time. It may surprise you, however, that I place the blame for me going to college instead of going to work squarely at the feet of the politicians. I know, you're shocked.....

Anyway, living in semi-rural Southern Indiana, you might hope I would escape the horror stories of the Progressive, PC, Marxist garbage that we all hear so much about. No such luck.

I am studying for an Associates Degree in Information Technology, hoping to finish with a dual specialty of Networking and Network Security. Sounds pretty straight forward, eh? I little English and a little Math, just to round out the education, and loads of computer related classes.

At least, that's what I had hoped for.

For some reason, I also have to take a semester in Economics, a semester in Public Speaking, and a one-credit hour class called 1st Year Seminar.

Why require Economics? Couldn't tell you. The Public Speaking, I can sort of understand, along with the 1st Year Seminar. When it begins to come clear is when you examine the classes themselves, specifically the Economics and 1st Year Seminar.

Let's begin with the 1st Year Seminar. For starters, who ever heard of a 16 week seminar, worth one credit hour? But it is when we examine the syllabus that things immediately begin to get suspiciously similar to PC indoctrination. Right there on page one I see, under the heading of MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES, that I am to demonstrate an understanding of the impact of human diversity. I am also to examine personal wellness and stress management. I am all for a diverse society, with all forms of excellence embraced. I am all for personal wellness and stress management. But to fully understand my point, we need to delve a little further, into the text book. There, we discover in-depth studies on "Self-Esteem", "Global Thinking", "Culture", "Discrimination" and other fascinating topics. It's fine enough if a person wants to study all this sort of gobble-de-goop, but let's not forget, this class is required for a degree in Information Technology.

Troubling as all this seems, it pales in comparison to my class in Economics. This being the second week into the class, I have few things to bitch about yet. But the few are saddening, bordering on maddening! As we delve into the textbook, it is a scant 4 pages into Chapter one before the Marxist Economic system is first introduced. By way of comparison, it is not until page 14 before "laissez faire" (free markets) is even mentioned. Along the way, and I'm shitting you not, on page 12 of Chapter 1, under the topic of Pig Farming, we wonder "Should live pigs be processed without any concern for their welfare?" Later in the same first chapter, we read (Without government)"...The market's answer to the HOW question would be based on narrow, profit-and-loss calculations, not on broader measures of societal well-being. To redress this market failure, the government regulates production behavior."

This is going to be a long semester.

Parents with college age kids, please pay heed! As I said, I am 47 years old. Although I suspect I will struggle with it, I'm pretty sure I can BS my way through. But I remember how gullible I was at age 18, hell, at age 25 for that matter. If a teacher, especially one with the impressive title of "Professor" said it, I bought it. Hook, line and sinker.

The social face of Marxism (P/C) has overtaken our colleges and universities. I am struggling to think of how they can be taken back.


  1. Turmoil, I have over a decade on you. I still remember when I was in high school, feeling like the educational system was going to pot. You don't want to take 'academic' classes? You did not have to, they had 'socially conscious' alternatives. Even with the sciences, you were offered an 'opt out' where no real text was studied. You could negotiate a 'project' of your choosing in any social related endeavor.

    On the bright side, you will not have to study subject related core data. As they want all to feel good about themselves, any canned socially conscious line of BS spewed will due to get the grade.

    It is no wonder that in a county that had been the technological producer envied in all the rest of the world, it is now only educating people of feeling good. This is OK if you want politicians, and a consumer only work force, But it is pathetic for industry.

    If the plan is to have every one pass, and no one educated in a meaningful skill, then they are certainly winning.

  2. Indeed. Call me old fashioned if you will, but I believe self esteem is attained by accomplishing things, and not by the simple absense of failure.

  3. what can a guy say,never trust a college they've been brain washed by the marxist/socalist educators.I don't think I could "bluff" my way thru a semister,as I would feel like my every move is under a magnifing glass,best of luck.

  4. And just to add to the point, in the Public Speaking class, in the first sentence of the first Chapter, we learn what an accomplished speaker van Jones is.
