Saturday, January 9, 2010


It seems the world has gone completely mad.  All one needs to do is read the news, all the while wondering just how accurate any of it is.  If you believe any of it, you are well aware there is an intense effort at the UN to abolish American gun ownership.  And globull warming is a fraud and even still, they're pressing on with efforts to tax the very air we breath.  And FEMA prisons have been built and are currently being staffed.  And the president of the United States is spending hundred of thousands of tax-payer money to keep from releasing the most basic of his records.   And the American dollar is printed, carted off to a private bank, and loaned back to America with interest due.  And there is no actual law that demands an American working in country to pay an income tax. And, the income tax we do pay, goes towards absolutely nothing except the interest the private bank charges for printing our own money. And that EVERY administration for decades has had cabinets comprised almost solely of members of the Council on Foreign Relations and/or Trilateral Commission. And. And. And.

Where does it end?  Or more succinctly, how can any of us hope to even keep track of all this, let alone fight any of it?

I think the answer lies in using the globalists own tactics against them.  Incremental-ism and delegation.  I think the best plan is to pick the 2 or 3 issues that you feel the MOST passionately about and work for or against them, as the case may be, as tirelessly as you are able.  Chip away at the stones with as much as you can muster (incremental-ism).  Do so, knowing (or at least hoping) that others are doing the same with their issues of choice (delegation).  To try to tackle it all will assure you remain scattered, ineffective, and probably heading for an early coronary.

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