Friday, January 8, 2010

Card Check

As you may have read in an earlier post by me, 2009 was a year of change for me personally.  Among my opinions that changed concerned the unions' leadership and their relationships with the federal government.

Just to get it out of the way, I am a member in good standing with a construction union.

But to the point, much as I am ashamed to have ever called myself a democrat or a republican, I am ashamed at what the unions have become.  I've known that I disliked it for years, but I now understand that my attitude of "but what can I do about it?" has basically been an endorsement.  Make no mistake, here at the local level, the leadership is comprised of genuinely good men.  It's the national leadership I'm really talking about here.

For instance, I have already decided that never again in my life will I buy a GM vehicle.  Sad, because I like my Dodge truck.  My reasoning is not so much because of the unfair advantage the feds gave them, although that is certainly true.  My reason is because of the union takeover of the companies.  I look at it from the perspective of the disgruntled worker.  Who does he/she go to when there is a problem?  Management?  The Union?  Surprise!  They're both the same people now.

On to card check.  There are companies whose employees genuinely don't want a union.  Many of  these employees understand that a mandatory unionizing would put the company out of business.  In times like these especially, why anyone would want to even risk more companies going under is beyond my understanding.  There is only one way a company can be assured of staying around once unionized.  It is if they can count on unlimited work (read: government contracts).  To any thinking person, this is already an upside down pyramid that is bound to collapse on itself.  Forcing all companies to unionize will simply speed up the process.  This, I'm convinced, is the goal.  I say that because I've also become convinced that BHO's goal is indeed the collapse of America for a globalist ideal.

According to Iowa Congressman Steve King, mandatory unionization can be counted on to BAN companies in effect from running their companies during a strike -- a right they have held for roughly 70 years.  It can further be expected to enhance Big Labor's ability to help President Barack Obama and the anti-free enterprise majority in Congress impose a crippling forced unionism agenda on America.  Sadly, it will also ensure Big Labor's ability to help re-elect even more union stooge politicians in the future.

BAN companies from running during a strike?

Indeed, government has no authority over free men.  Government can only control criminals.  So now we've discovered a shiny new way to create criminals where there were none before.

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