Thursday, January 7, 2010

Food Stamps

Okay Scott wanted to to contribute so I guess I'll start with something that really pisses me off.
Here in Illinois instead of Food Stamps, the baby factories receive a "link" card. It was started sometime ago. It looks like a credit card they just swipe it and enter their pin number. It is suppose to make those using the card feel less embarrassed about receiving state assistance.

Now don't get me wrong if someone truly needs help that's fine give them a hand up. What really pisses me off about this link card is on the first day of the month you can go into any food store and it will be packed. I have watched baby factories along with their multicolored off spring more often than not in the presence of the baby daddy of the month pull two or three carts up to the check out stand and get their free food. I'm get frustrated when I see these carts loaded down with, cokes, chips and any number of zoo zoos & wham whams. TV dinners, frozen pizzas and the like. Or better yet they have more meat in their cart than I could afford to buy in two or three months. I have sent letters to the "elected" kings & queens of my fair state asking them to change the link card rules.
I believe that if you are receiving state aid then you should only be allowed to buy non-processed foods and 100% juice products. The response I have received is while it may be a proper idea the problem is that a lot of the "young mothers" do not know how to cook! I'm like what the hell?

I run a motel and have a couple of workers who receive link cards. One desk clerk is 33 and has 7 kids! none of which share the same father. She receives right at $800 a month on her link card. She will sell you her link card for 50 cents on the dollar! I contacted the state agency over the link cards and filed a report and was promptly informed that the state would not pursue any action to stop this type of abuse as she is "entitled" to the subsistence!

I have much more to say on this subject but I do not wish to ramble any further.

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