Monday, August 16, 2010

By all appearances, our President IS working to "Fundamentally Transform" America

Indeed, when our President said he would "fundamentally transform America", he was not kidding. 

Let's work backwards, and cover just a couple of the highlights.  To cover them all would take more time and energy than I possess.

Let's begin with the Mosque in Manhatten, originally to be called the "Cordoba House". There are so many arguments against this idea, it is almost unimaginable that it is even being discussed. The prevalent point is that this is hallowed ground. I have heard it argued that this Mosque should be allowed to be built, but only after a Synagogue is built in Mecca. The very idea of a Mosque being built there is offensive in many ways, especially when we discover why the name is being changed from Cordoba House. ''Cordoba House' is a deliberately insulting term. It refers to Cordoba, Spain - the capital of Muslim conquerors who symbolized their victory over the Christian Spaniards by transforming a church there into the world's third-largest mosque complex.

Of course, our President is all for it.  Speaking at a White House dinner to honor the holy month of Ramadan, the president said, "Muslims have the right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country," an apparent show of support for the mosque.  Of course, he later backslid as popular fury grew over his position (don't you wish he would have shown as much wisdom to relent from the fury over the Obamacare he rammed down our throats). One must wonder why he would even want to chime in on this issue. Could it be his own Muslim roots?

It is apparent to me that Obama has no love for this country. All you have to do is look at the legislation he introduced as Prez, or supported during his brief stint as a Senator (when he even bothered to cast his vote). He often simply voted "present" in an apparent attempt to stay clear of any controversy.  But y'all elected him anyway.

You can look at how he bowed to foreign dictators and kings. It really is embarrassing! Even more telling, is his wife's comments as he was nominated. Who could possibly forget her words?

Oh, and lest I forget, why is it that he found it so necessary to immediately seal his public records, like school records and a simple birth certificate? Since I have to show my birth certificate to get a simple driver's license, why is it he can drive the country without one?

I could go on and on and on. Let's suffice it to say that at the beginning of his term, I thought he was merely a bumbling idiot who was voted into office by other idiots. Sadly (and I mean really sadly), I have changed my opinion. I believe now that he is reading his instruction manual to the letter, and implementing it before our eyes before we even bother to realize what he is doing. If that is the case, we will get what we deserve.

Wake up America. We have a traitor in our house. Impeachment is certainly not out of the question.

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